Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Band of Joy - Angel Dance

Ever wondered what King Theoden was up to after saving Middle Earth from desending into darkness? (or what he'd look like in jeans and cowboy boots?) Well he's cruising inner city streets in the back of a chauffeured Cadillac (car people please mercilessly tear me a new one if I'm wrong, thx). By the looks of it The ruler of Rohan is still running thangs as he keeps a watchful eye on residents from his laid back vantage point. Okay so it's actually Robert Plant looking like a 70's Cowboy mafioso in the back of a caddi (is that how it's spelled?), lets just say a long red car. Now is it only me or does Plant threaten to turn into Theoden or a lion more and more each time I see him? Enjoy.

Rating: **1/2

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