Friday, September 10, 2010

Kylie Minogue - All The Lovers (official music video)

It's friday, so why not some Kylie? "All the Lovers" captures what happens in a street comprising of solely ridulousely attractive people. Like elements forming natural bonds when they come in contact, there are no questions here, just instinct and underwear. The probability is low, but such an event is known to happen. My friend said he saw the same thing happen in Brazil once and it caused a power outage, true story.

The other thing I want to bring up is how Youtube has deemed this video as offensive and how videos like Katy Perry's "California Gurls" are left unscathed by such stigmas. Now I'm not sure if it was the skin, the homosexuality or the mass undulations that had people all up in arms, but I think it is absurd. While the video is "sexual" I find it in no way offensive. It does not over-sexualize one gender or the other, it is not demeening in any sense, and has zero aggression. The video is simply about attraction and passion. Perry's sexuality only helps to objectify women as nothing more than litteral eye candy for men (she is actually dressed as "sexy" candy ejucaculating from her muffin breasts! While Snoop Dogg is of course free from wearing any over-sexualized garb as he sits amongst his usaul harem of women.). That is the truly offensive stuff and is what keeps in tact the survival of very unfortunate stereotypes to both women and men. Enjoy.

Rating: ***1/2

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