Saturday, October 30, 2010

Robyn - Indestructible

Robyn 'Indestructible' Official Video

Robyn | Myspace Music Videos

Warning, you have entered the Rant Zone: Why can't this be what we hear on our radios and what we value in a pop star??? Robyn is a god in my books. She shows without fail how pop tunes can deal with all the typical pop themes of love, jealousy, partying... and still be catchy, fun and sexy without exploiting anyone. There is no pandering here, no need to exploit herself or the people in her video, yet it is still undeniably cool and sexy. It's awesome that it is basically just her expressing a real emotion in a pop context all the while still giving us the normal pop elements like cool outfits, hip style, sex, love... and not resorting to having any of those elements demean anyone. She's not sexy cuz she is flaunting her skin or playing the role of a male fantasy, she's just being herself and all the lovin' going on stays clear away from falling into the tired gender trappings of pop videos. No one is being sexualized of defined by sex, instead it's the scene itself that is being sexy, opposed to most female pop stars who get trapped into needing to represent themselves as sex. Unfortunately this is influenced by what men have defined as what a female should look like as sex incarnate. And that's just not good for anyone. Anyway, enjoy.

Rating: *****

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